11, 2002
On Whom Shall God's Wrath Fall? Six months have passed since the terrorist attacks of September 11 took thousands of lives and forever changed how Americans view the world, and our place in it. Ever since, many prophetic words have come forth concerning what God is doing relative to the events of that day, and even the subsequent "War on Terrorism". I am still reading and hearing dire warnings about the need for America to repent of the evils of pornography, abortion and general unrighteousness before God truly pours out His wrath upon the nation. Recently, during a time of prayer for Muslims Israel and America, the Lord revealed to me who is truly at risk for suffering God's judgment within the coming months. It's not the pornographers, abortionists or Hollywood purveyors of sex and violence. It's not the drug dealers, prostitutes or gang members. It's not Wall Street, lawyers or the executives at Enron. It's not Muslims, or Afghanistan or even Osama bin Laden. The people facing the potential outpouring of God's wrath are the unmerciful ones who demand that God pour out His wrath on the sinful folks I just listed and more. The fact is, GOD WANTS TO SAVE the people so many think are marked for God's judgment. Yes, the day will come when any unrepentant person must face judgment for his sins. That includes the sins of mercilessness and unforgiveness. Here is what I am convinced is a true warning from God: "To those of you who seek to wreak destruction on any you feel are deserving of it, as though you yourself are without guilt, the Lord says 'beware, and repent of your own hardness of heart and self-righteousness.' The Lord has declared that 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice' (Mt. 9:13) and so you must cease looking to your own sense of righteousness as an excuse to demand judgment on others. The same mouth that praises the Lord cannot also utter a desire for destruction on the lost. Soon, those who have spoken words of judgment and condemnation, rather than love, mercy and forgiveness, will come to understand the reality of James 2:13 'For judgment is without mercy on those who show no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment'. This is not a call for tolerance of sin, nor for accepting any religion that conflicts with the Truth that Jesus is the Way. It is a call for the Church to begin to obey the Words of Christ found in Matthew 5:44-45: But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. I have heard professing Christians say that we should have just "nuked" Afghanistan, that we should wipe Muslims out en masse, that Osama bin Laden should be cruelly tortured and executed if he is ever caught. I've heard "prophets" claim that further terrorist attacks will wreak so much havoc on America because of her unrighteousness that the deaths on September 11 will seem like a drop in the bucket. Never mind that all across the nation, millions are bowing in prayer and beseeching our loving Father for mercy, and repenting of our sins. I will withstand anyone who declares himself a follower of Christ, and yet spews forth judgment and condemnation in a way Jesus Himself never did. Whenever
you feel the urge to call for God's wrath to be poured out, search your
own heart, examine your own life, and make sure you are not the one
upon whom judgment and wrath will come because of your own lack of love
and mercy. |
For additional insights into God's plan for the Church read The Bridge Beware the Smile of Ishmael A Need for Vision |
But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ...Ephesians 2:4 |
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