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October 11, 2001

Beware the "Smile of Ishmael"

While a lot of Godly wisdom is being displayed by those who advise that we pray for Muslims, and reach out to them with Christ's love, there is the potential for widespread deception as well. The words that have come forth in the past few years about a great spreading of the Gospel in Muslim nations are true, but just as with any true move of God, a counterfeit is sown by the devil. (Mt. 13:25) The Lord has shown me (and probably many others) something specific to be cautious about, and the following are some things I believe God wants all Christians, but especially those in America, to consider.

Before I go any further, let me make a couple of qualifying statements. First, I am not intending in any way to disparage Muslims or blame them as individuals for the events of 9/11/2001. I am appalled at the attitudes and threats directed against Muslims in response to the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon, especially when they come from Christians. This doesn't change that fact that Muslims need Jesus, as do we all.

The second qualifying statement is that I am not claiming this is a prophetic word that must be taken as a sacred word from God. I believe in prophetic ministry, and God uses me in that area. The following is something God impressed on my heart during a time of prayer, with a burden to share it with others. If you don't see things this way, I certainly don't want you to think I would consider you to be "missing God" about it.

In the aftermath of the attacks of 9/11, there is a great turning toward God, which is setting the stage for a great returning to God. Many will enter the kingdom in direct response to the times of fear and uncertainty we now face. Many leaders in the church are fully aware of and prepared for this coming revival, and anticipate it to be just a part of a great revival that will include the Muslim world as well. But therein lies the need to truly separate the tares from the wheat.

There has been a "pseudo-Christianity" dominating America for so many years, in which people give lip service to "Judeo-Christian Principles" but deny the need for a proper relationship with God through Christ Jesus. Similarly, a "Pseudo-Islam" will arise along with and in opposition to the true revival God is bringing. There is already a wave of acceptance of "moderate Islam" growing, in which people, from our national leaders on down, are making it clear that the fight is not against Islam itself, but against those who use Islam as a cover for terrorist acts. But, the fight is against Islam, or rather the spirit behind Islam, which seeks to thwart God's plans and destroy His beloved Israel. Millions of people are trapped in this deception, and Christ died to set them free.

This tolerance of Islam will be the foundation on which this counterfeit revival will grow in America. People who had in the past thought nothing of Islam will study it and come to embrace it. Eventually, because Islam holds that Jesus is a prophet, the idea that Muslims worship the God of the Bible, and are "joint heirs of salvation" (as worded several years ago by the RCC edict on Islam) many people. Christians and non-Christians alike will be duped into thinking that there is no real difference between Christianity and Islam. This "Americanized" brand of Islam will entrap many Christians who will come to believe that the Quran is simply another version of the Bible, and that the Jesus Islam speaks of is no different than the True Messiah. Those in the Body of Christ who try to speak out against this movement will be labeled religious fanatics and intolerant extremists, and even lumped into the same category as terrorists (this is already happening among some of the more liberal media).

Witnesses for Christ, not against Islam.

In the past, certain believers have made a point of strongly criticizing anything or anyone that "strays from the Truth". This is not wrong in itself, as long as it is done in a Christlike way. Many so-called Christian groups will vehemently oppose this rising hybrid of Christianity and Islam. Certain men and women will be very vocal in their attacks on what they will view as a false religion (which it is). They will simply fuel the fire, because they will try to attack the movement. It will be like guards who are so busy watching the front gate that they don't see the thieves sneaking in the back door. Their words and actions will simply make the move more credible, and give ammunition to those who want to place true Christians into the same category of "fanatics" and "conservative hate mongers".

The key to drawing people into the Kingdom of God will be to remember that it is the Father, and He alone, who calls His own to Himself. Our task, as His servants, will be to focus on what is the foundation of our relationship with God in Christ. Prayer; humble, loving service to those around us; integrity and a willingness to stand on the Truth while displaying the meekness of Christ are what will be used by the Holy Spirit to draw people to the Father. And power. Miracles of all sorts will be the defining acts that separate the True Church from this Christian/Islamic hybrid. Many will scoff at the reports of miracles, however. Don't expect to see much on CNN or World New Tonight about what God is truly doing in the next 18 months.

Various means will be used to either discredit Christians, or demonstrate that they are no different from the other religions. The important thing to remember is to NOT GET DEFENSIVE AND LAUNCH COUNTERATTACKS. Just as President Bush has displayed wisdom by taking the time to examine his options and not retaliate blindly, so too must we learn from his example and not lash out at those who would war against this end time move of God. I can't emphasize enough that what God is saying is we must stick to the basics and rely on God to work miracles in situations where we are by nature inclined to defend our beliefs and ourselves.

There is a spiritual force at work that will influence many to look upon anyone who even appears to attack this new form of Islam as though they are no better than the terrorists we are now at war with. There will even come a time when violent actions will be directed against churches, and many in official positions will simply look the other way because they don't want to "offend" Islamic interests. Many will even feel Christians deserve the violence directed toward them because they don't accept Islam "as they should". We must be prepared to be reviled, ridiculed and even attacked whenever we stand in Truth. Many will lose faith because they have been taught for so long that if you are in Christ, God will protect you from such things. Many of these who lose heart will turn to "Pseudo-Islam" because it uses it's own version of Jesus to preach peace and brotherhood. These will be decieved into thinking that they are still serving Christ, even though they will find themselves having to declare that "Allah has no son, and Mohammed is his Prophet".

The destruction of the WTC and part of the Pentagon are not the "judgement of God", as many would declare. However, I believe the current economic downswing in America (which predates the attacks by many months) is God's judgement on a nation which has focused on monetary gain and forgotten it's own poor and disenfranchised, not to mention those in the rest of the world. Even many churches and ministries have been so focused on money that financial status is considered a yardstick of spirituality and successful ministry. Right now, the state of the economy reflects the spiritual state of America as a whole, and the Church in particular. One reason I believe God allowed the destruction of the WTC is because He will not, in fact CAN NOT protect our idols from destruction. Make no mistake about it, the WTC was an idol to the current worship of material wealth and the power money provides. As our spiritual state recovers and we return to a balanced, Biblically sound view of finances, the economy will improve as well. We need to look upon the current recession as reaping what we have sown under the previous administration. So much focus has been placed on the economy that God's real purpose for money and financial blessing has been forgotten by many within His Kingdom. We are now seeing the physical effects of our "spiritual poverty" as a nation.

Here is where the actions of President Bush are vitally important. If he continues to steadfastly support Israel, even in the face of growing opposition among his own political party, then the US economy will recover and flourish again after a season of slowness. There will come a point within the next year in which it will appear that siding with the Muslim nations will be the best way to stir up the economy. Some will even argue it will be the only way. The Muslim nations will offer great economic incentives to turn on Israel, and the presence of the "Islamic Christian Movement" in America will put tremendous pressure on Pres. Bush to accept these offers. I he accepts, what will happen instead is eventually the American economic structure will be taken over by outside interests, and we will find ourselves like Judah under the Babylonians, servants in our own land. Standing by Israel will make no sense in the natural, but if Bush does so, then the economy will witness an amazing turnaround. Should Bush fail to continue to support Israel, then he will not be reelected in 2004.

America is viewed as a mission field by many Islamic clerics. They have been quick to emphasize that the Quran teaches peace, but it is a false peace-the peace of either accepting their way, or getting out of their way. The fact that so many "peaceful" Muslims support Islamic governments that persecute, imprison and even execute Christians belies the notion of "peaceful Islam". No, not all Muslims are party to such things, just as not all Christians were party to the Crusades. To the spirit behind Islam, America represents the biggest obstacle to destroying Israel and undermining the Church. This is translated into both the desire terrorists have to destroy the US, and the desire many other Muslims have to evangelize America for their own faith. Muslims believe Islam is superior to both Judaism and Christianity. Because Christians and Jews fall outside the "Household of Faith" of Allah, they must be converted. Or destroyed.The Quran says as much. To fight this, the Church must not appear to fight at all, but to stand. Stand. STAND on the foundation of our faith, and let God wage the war in the spiritual realm in response to our prayers.

For additional insights into God's plan for the Church read
The Bridge

Beware the Smile of Ishmael

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ...Ephesians 2:4

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