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If you would like to contact me with comments, questions, suggestions or prayer requests,email me.
AOL users: mercydancing@mchsi.com

If it involves a technical issue, please include the date/time, your browser type and version, and the page(s) involved.

I don't trade links just for the sake of increasing visitors. I prefer to link to and from sites that share in pursuing unity and reconciliation within the Body of Christ, as well as those in the Messianic community or that are devoted to prayer. If interested in trading links, let me know about yourself and your ministry.

I try to respond to every email I get that isn't spam.


For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.-
Hebrews 8:12

Home | Dancing in the Rain | Enter His Gates | Insights | Intercessor's Tears
Testimony | Vision Statement | Links | Contact

All material is copyright © 2001 Charles H Black. If you want to use any material here
on your own site, please provide suitable credits and links. Thanks.