What is it about
Islam that seems to breed terrorism? First, we need to realize that
the same question could have been asked of Christianity by the Muslims
and Jews of the Middle East nearly 1,000 ago as Europe engaged in
a number of Crusades. The idea behind them was much the same as that
behind modern Islamic terrorism: corrupt, ambitious leaders played
upon the religious convictions of their followers in order to convince
them that going to war and slaughtering thousands of innocent people
was God's will (as well as being an effective way to expand territory
and political power). Any true Christian who understands the nature
of the Gospel of Jesus Christ would certainly renounce the Crusades
as ungodly. Other issues related to the above question involve technology,
both of weapons and communication. Still, there are some fundamental
differences between Biblical Christianity and Islam that should be
considered when dealing with the nature of terrorism.
Terrorism survives
in the modern world because of modern media. A given act of terrorism
can literally make world wide news within moments. Thus, a relatively
small group of people can have a much greater impact on the population
at large than would have been the case even 50 years ago. The world
watched video footage of the World Trade Center devastation either
a few minutes after it occurred, or even live. This unprecedented
level of exposure is exactly what the terrorists want to achieve.
They believe that by getting as many people to see the plight (whether
real or imagined) of those the terrorists are fighting for they will
gain some sort of favor for their cause. Or, it may be the terrorists
seek to draw attention to what they feel is an injustice. Or, an attack
may simply be an act of pure spite or vengeance, as is the case with
the 9/11 attacks. Such high profile events can become a rallying point,
garnering support for terrorists from those who might not even be
aware of their group. At the very least, the publicity draws attention
to the group, and thus to the country, religion or people the group
associates itself with. Many Muslims feel the WTC/Pentagon attacks
have been justified by increased attention on the Israeli/Palestinian
issue. Sadly, there is some truth to this. May Americans who otherwise
gave little thought to the situation in the Middle East are now aware
of what is happening.
Technology has
also brought the capability for terrorists to strike places they wouldn't
normally have been able to decades ago, and with weapons far more
destructive than in previous years. Chemical, biological and nuclear
weapons remain the biggest fear. There is substantial evidence that
al-Qaeda was working to develop all three types of weapons, and possibly
succeeded in purchasing small nuclear devices. Terrorism seems such
a profound threat today because a determined group of individuals
can cause far greater destruction than has ever before been possible.
But, why is it
Islamic terrorists who seem to be involved in the most heinous acts?
Part of the answer lies in the number of terrorists. Though the various
Islamic terrorist groups make up a minuscule percentage of Muslims
(less than 0.001% of the 1.3 billion Muslims in the world), that percentage
is still enough to involve thousands of men determined to wreak destruction
at all costs. Also, because so many Islamic nations have oil-based
wealth that is either directly or indirectly used to support terrorist
groups, Muslim terrorist organizations are able to do much more than
other groups that lack such funding.
But, ultimately,
it is Islam itself that, albeit unintentionally, encourages such behavior.
The only assurance a Muslim has of entrance into Paradise is to die
as a martyr, preferably fighting a jihad.. Otherwise, no matter how
righteous a life he has lived, he may find himself refused entrance
by Allah because of some overlooked sin or failure. Dozens of men
willingly flew airliners into buildings because of their belief that
it would guarantee their places in Paradise. Furthermore, because
the Quran does in fact encourage violence against those who are considered
either oppressors of the poor or enemies of the Prophet Muhammad,
and thus Allah, wealthy nations such as America are prime targets
for using violence to redress wrongs. Many Muslims believe that any
economic, social and political problems in their own countries, or
even the world at large, are directly the result of American greed
and arrogance. Having such a world view makes it easy for many Muslims
to therefore justify, and even applaud, terrorist acts because such
violence is encouraged by Allah.
Still, there are
spiritual roots that go even deeper. Islam is a works-based religion.
It has a severe form of morality that dehumanizes women. The demands
placed on both sexes to earn a place in Paradise, yet still face Judgment
Day with no absolute assurance of salvation creates a sense of pervading
fear that underlies all they do and say. Fear, by it's nature, leads
people to attempt to control others in order to try to control the
fear. It is this root of fear that truly leads to the irrational acts
of violence that are the hallmark of Islamic terrorists.
Finally, there
is the reality that the spiritual forces behind Islam are adamantly
opposed to both Israel and Jesus Christ. Both the Church and Israel
represent God's covenant of Grace and Forgiveness. Both concepts,
as taught by the Holy Bible, are incompatible with Islam. The spirit
of Islam seeks to exalt itself against Jesus Christ, who is the Son
of the Living God, and thus God and King Himself.
Yet Jesus died
for the sake of these same men who seek to so violently impose their
will on others. God's desire is for even Osama bin Laden to be reconciled
to Himself through Jesus Christ. Christians shouldn't pray against
terrorists, but against their actions. Pray for their salvation, and
that of all Muslims, because they are no greater sinners than any
of us in the eyes of God. We all need Jesus, and Jesus died for us